Sunday, 10 February 2013

The M League


So my third December highlight (see the other two below) was my Master's graduation. It was great to have all the hard work and last days in Matieland end on such a high note...of note.

My Project Manager, Prof Sandy Liebenberg and My Queen
The first female Dean of the Stellenbosh Law Faculty, Prof Human. Who are're they kidding...we run this

Female power houses. Prof Human, my supervisor Prof Pienaar & Prof Liebenberg

Later...back at the ranch...
My big sis

Dearest cousin Helvi...;)
Sisters Mars and Momo

My sister Mars...she took some of the shots above.
Check out her blog:

 So that was my December...the dress I wore in this post is a Jenni Button and the heels Luella. 

Also I have to mention a lady who did my hair all the years in Stellies and on this day...Aunt Sarita of Salon Sarita in Stellies. Thanks Aunty Sarita and Sanette...yual did my hair a great good. My strands will miss your touch.


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